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Sujet de discussion : Une déclaration?
  • ghost Membre pionnier
    • 15 juillet 2008 à 23:06
    C'est la seule chanson avec "ne me quitte pas" de Jacques Brel que je trouve qui a des paroles vraiment ressenties...

    Voici, Love Song

    I've never written a love song
    That didn't end in tears
    Maybe you'll rewrite my love song
    If you can replace my fears
    I need you patience and guidance
    And all you lovin' and more
    When thunder rolls through my life
    Will you be able to weather the storm?
    There's so much I would give ya, baby
    If I'd don't only let myself there's this well of emotions
    I feel must protect but what's the point of this armor
    If it keeps the love away, too?
    I'd rather bleed with cuts of love
    Than live without any scars
    Baby, can i trust this?
    Or do all things end?
    I need to hear that you'd die for me
    Again and again and again
    So tell me when you look in my eyes
    Can you share all the pain and happy times
    'Cause i will love you for the rest of my life
    This is my very first love song
    That didn't end is tears
    I think you re-wrote my love song
    For the rest of my years
    I will love you for the rest of my life

    tu as très bien ressenti la force des mots de cette chanson, je suis un adepte aussi et ne me lasse de l'entendre.....Merci ma chère

    Merci aussi à toutes et à tous. vous êtes géniaux!!

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